
It is less than three months since I first made tentative contact with Better Together Housing.

It took some courage to make that call.  I have been living as an independent career woman for over fifty years. I’ve run a business, travelled the world, and been retired for twenty years.  To come to the realization that I am no longer able to survive alone financially has been a shock!  The need to find a partner to enable me to maintain the comfortable lifestyle I have been enjoying, was a daunting thought.

As I told my family, my life is perfect at the moment – I just can’t afford it!  Said in jest, but unfortunately true!

Finding a housemate at my age was overwhelming until I talked to Natasha, and met Maggie. My computer skills are limited.  Just processing the Police Check was beyond my capabilities, but meeting Maggie, her competent handling of this for me, and Natasha’s encouragement and promotion via the Newsletter, have resulted in a very exciting prospect.

I have met, and am looking forward to, a housemate moving in, at the end of the month. We both feel “The Vibes are Good”!  We have agreed to respect and give each other space and leeway while we adjust to our new circumstances, but we both are extremely optimistic and will work hard to enjoy each other’s company.

Thank you Ladies – For a Job Well Done!!!!!

N Better Together Housing Member