Better Together Housing Newsletter September 2024

Hi everyone, welcome to our September 2024 edition

We have been running a number of Get it Togethers and information session around the Sunshine
Coast over the last few months since Maggie has joined the team. We have recently added the
addition of coffee chats so we thought we would explain the different types of meetings that we
have on offer:

Information sessions –For women who wish to know more about Better Together Housing and
how it works. This can also be for family members who would like to know more about the
program for loved ones.

Coffee Chats – for people who have potentially attended an information session but are still a bit
unsure if Better Together Housing is for them. This type of meeting is to see about the progression
of becoming a member

Get it Togethers – Get it Togethers is where members can meet face to face for a coffee or tea to
discuss shared housing

Mackay News & Updates

Mackay Seniors Expo

Better Together Housing will be holding a stall at the Mackay Seniors Expo on the 15th October
9am-12pm come and meet Mackay Project Officer Lauren Pattie to find out more about Better
Together Housing!

Update on our latest Get it Together

At our September Get it Together event in Mackay, we marked Women’s Health Week with a
special focus on connection and emotional wellbeing. Honouring the Jean Hailes theme, Point of
Difference, we looked beyond physical health to emphasize the importance of social connection,
especially for women facing housing insecurity. We know that the stress of unstable housing can
lead to isolation, so Better Together Housing isn’t just about finding a home—it’s about building

There is a huge amount of women’s health resources and information on the Jean Hailes
Women’s Health website,
from physical, to mental health and all in between visit Women’s Health
Week | Jean Hailes to access the wide range of videos, articles, factsheets, recipes and podcasts.
In today’s digital world, connecting with others can be a bit overwhelming, so we invited guest
speaker Emma Murphy from nbn local to share tips on staying safe online. Emma’s session on
scammer awareness was both informative and engaging, ending on a fun note with a round of
scam bingo.

To wrap up our celebration of wellness, Judith, a member of Better Together Housing, led us in a
calming mindful breathing meditation. It was a soothing way to transition into our shared morning
tea, where we enjoyed good company and meaningful conversations. Women supporting
women—it’s what Better Together Housing is all about.

Latest News, Articles and Information

Housing Older Women’s Movement

Invitation to Free Seminars & Workshops on Community Led Housing
– l Sunshine Coast 13th & 20th September
– Northern Brisbane & Moreton Shire 16th September
– Sector Influencers Forum Wed 18th Brisbane & Online (for those in housing sector and all
levels of government)
– Other dates elsewhere in SE Qld

NB. Participants will need to have come to a seminar to effectively participate in a
workshop. All are free and catered.

Come and find out about perpetually affordable regenerative community led housing as one of the
solutions to the housing crisis, how it can foster thriving neighbourhoods, and how it can provide a
long-term fix to the broken housing system, isolation and loneliness.

These events are designed to help catalyse the formation of local community led housing action
groups, with the vision of establishing at least 3 demonstration/pilot housing developments in SE
Qld, including In the greater Sunshine Coast region (approx. Beerwah to Gympie North).
The housing we envisage will be multi-generational, will include priority housing for older women,
social housing, and affordable housing for local low and moderate income earning workers.
Decades of research shows the benefits of these types of housing developments to wellbeing,
families, ageing well in place, active citizenship, good neighbourliness, sense of community,
mutual support, environment, and resilience.

The housing we seek to establish is regenerative and supports resilience at the levels of
individuals, families, neighbourhoods, communities, local economies, climate and environment.
We are holding these free events in several places across SE Qld – attached are fliers for the
Sunshine Coast and for all events, as well as for the Sector Influencers Forum in Brisbane.
The seminars introduce the key concepts, with some examples from elsewhere in the world and
other states; The workshops are participatory and will give opportunity to explore at more depth
and support formation of local action groups who want to part of developing local community led

The general seminars and workshops are open to anyone concerned about the housing crisis,
are free and catered.

The Sector Influencers Forum is for people already involved in the housing sector, including all
levels of government, LGAQ, CHIAQ, CHPs, planners, architects, housing developers,
philanthropists etc. This Forum will go into more depth on barriers and enablers to community led
housing and cohousing in Queensland.

It would be great to see people all who can influence the way housing is done locally , and
potentially be involved in some way in our demonstration housing projects at one of our event, and
at general the Sector Influencers Forum.

Interesting links to learn more about why Better Together Housing is working hard to grow our services and membership.

Think Sharehouses are just for young people? Think again!
Catch 22 means ‘pretty much no rental properties are affordable’ in Australia

Upcoming Get it Togethers and Information Sessions

Check out our upcoming Get it Togethers here

Better Together Housing