Better Together Housing Newsletter July 2024

Hi everyone, welcome to the Julye 2024 edition…
Thank you for signing up to receive our updates and a big welcome to our new members.

After months of work with our website developer and members our new website is now live! If you haven’t seen it check it out here

From speaking with women over the last few years it became apparent that our website didn’t meet the needs of the women in the program. At the end of last year, we undertook an evaluation process in which it was heard loud and clear that we needed a new website. From this feedback we now have a new purpose-built website for our members.

Members should have received an email to advise that they need to reset their passwords to be able to sign into the website. If you haven’t received it please check your junk folder. If you have checked your junk folder and still haven’t received this email or are experiencing difficulties signing in please either email us on or contact Natasha on 0427 465148 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.

If there is interest, we could also offer an online class to show members how to use the website. If you would be interested, please email

Update From Maggie – Better Together Housing Project Lead

and meeting wonderful members of our Sunshine Coast community. My visits to local Community& Neighbourhood centres in Maleny, Pomona, Nambour, and Caloundra have highlighted the eagerness to support this valuable program. I’ve also shared information at various venues, including medical centres, Services Australia offices, libraries, and churches. Our goal is to expand the BTH community and create a vibrant calendar of events and gatherings to foster connection and empower solutions.

Stay tuned for more updates and if you are a community group or organisation that would like to learn more about Better Together Housing please reach out

Latest News, Articles and Information

Our friends at the Housing older Womens Support Service are looking for expression of interest for their Lived Experience Advisory Group. The purpose of this group is to establish a membership base inclusive of women with lived experience who can use their unique insights and feedback to inform the continuous quality improvement of the HOWSS service.

Ongoing opportunities to review ways of working to ensure the service delivery meets the needs of older women utilising the service.
If you are interested you can register
or if you have any question you can contact them on1800 366 877

Provide specific information about the needs of older women that helps inform how services aredelivered at HOWSS.

Find ways to involve and connect with older women outside of the Southeast Queenslandregions.

Advocate for the needs of older women in diverse regions to ensure their rights to safe, secure and affordable housing are met.

Interesting links to learn more about why Better Together Housing is working hard to grow our services and membership.

Sydney nurse on the verge of homelessness despite working six-day week
Catch 22 means ‘pretty much no rental properties are affordable’ in Australia

Upcoming Get it Togethers and Information Sessions

Check out our upcoming Get it Togethers here

Better Together Housing